
Here’s how to run it. is run automatically by motion when relevant events are fired. All that needs to be done is install it, configure it and motion itself, and then run motion however is appropriate for your OS.

Celery Task Workers

  1. If you installed in a virtualenv, source it. Ensure you’ve run python develop or pip install motion-pipeline[worker]
  2. Ensure Redis is running and the REDIS_BROKER_URL setting is correct.
  3. Ensure the path to your settings file is exported as MOTION_SETTINGS_PATH
  4. celery -A motion_pipeline.celerytasks.tasks worker --loglevel=info -Ofair -c 3

Web Frontend

  1. If you installed in a virtualenv, source it. Ensure you’ve run python develop or pip install motion-pipeline[web]

2. Ensure the path to your settings file is exported as MOTION_SETTINGS_PATH 4. flask run