
motion-pipeline is made up of three overall components that can be installed separately: (the script used by motion itself in the on_* settings), the task worker, and the web frontend.


  • Python 3.4+ (currently tested with 3.4, 3.5, 3.6) and pip
  • Python VirtualEnv (recommended installation method; your OS/distribution should have packages for these)
  • motion on the system that will run the motion-handler
  • Redis and MySQL on some system (can be colocated with any of these components, or completely separate system(s))

For installations other than on RaspberryPi or similar dedicated systems, it’s recommended that you install into a virtual environment (virtualenv / venv). See the virtualenv usage documentation for information on how to create a venv.

To install the requirements for motion-handler on a RaspberryPi running Raspbian Stretch (2018-04-18-raspbian-stretch-lite image) I did the following:

  1. wget && sudo apt install ./pi_stretch_motion_4.1.1-1_armhf.deb - this installs the motion [4.1.1 package from GitHub](, which includes some important fixes over the 4.0-1 package in the Raspbian Stretch repositories.
  2. sudo apt-get install python3-pip git python3-dev

If you don’t have them installed already, you may need to install the common build tools on your OS.

Installation of Dependencies

  • To install motion-pipeline and only the dependencies for pip install motion-pipeline
  • To install motion-pipeline and the dependencies for the task worker: pip install motion-pipeline[worker]
  • To install motion-pipeline and the dependencies for the web frontend: pip install motion-pipeline[web]
  • To install all of the above: pip install motion-pipeline[all]

Installation of

I haven’t had time to write real installation tooling for this yet. In the mean time, on the computer where you’ll be running motion:

  1. pip install motion-pipeline
  2. Find and record the absolute path to the motion-handler entrypoint: which motion-handler
  3. Copy your motion-pipeline settings file or module somewhere on that machine (as an example, we put it at /etc/
  4. Set up your motion.conf file for motion. Specify the various on_* configuration settings to point to the path to the motion-handler entrypoint and set the --config option to the path to your settings file/module. See Example motion.conf for an example.